I think the days of good, old fashioned naturism are behind us. With the Corona virus crisis still going strong (and unfortunately getting stronger again), there is no outlook for going back to how things were before this year, in my eyes.
I’m perfectly happy to hear anyone disagree. The old times weren’t so bad, right? But the old times weren’t the best either. Naturism was looked at as something bad by many people.
Who knows, maybe this social distancing encourages more people to try naturism with the new normal that will undoubtedly appear.
Why do I dare think that?
Body shame is the name of that game. I’m convinced that many people would love to give naturism a try, but they are ashamed of their body not being the perfect beach boy and girl shape. You know the type. They are the bodies we don’t see at nude beaches and resorts either.
If people are ‘forced’ to keep more distance, perhaps more people will feel inclined to undress near others. Because the extra distance will make them ‘less visible’, even when it’s just a psychological distance. 1 metre / 3 feet can do a lot for someone who is insecure, I think.

It is a pity things may never go back to this, but who knows, if everyone wears a mask, there are still possibilities. I think it’s important to look at what is possible in the coming days. As long as we gaze at what was lost, progress will be at a standstill, and no one is served by that.
Taking nude hikes should be fine if people keep their distance as well. People from the same family are still able to stick together. People who know and trust others to be virus-free can be closer together as well. And for those who don’t trust things, it is still possible to enjoy being with others while relaxing nude on a beach or at a resort. It will be a bit louder, because talking over 6ft requires a bit more volume, but regular beaches etc. aren’t the quietest places anyway, so that’s no biggie, right?
Let’s look forward. I’m game.