A very strange way to put it

A very strange advertisment.

I have a few Google alerts going pertaining to naturism and nudism. You know the general things anyone should be interested in. A few days ago I got a notification about an ad on ‘Craig’s list’, which I know to be quite popular in the USA.

Craig's List

One line in that ad struck me. Maybe it’s just the way someone didn’t know how to put it properly but the line “I am a normal, educated, and kind white male but I have always been interested in naturism” made me frown.

…but I have always been interested in naturism

Two nudistsThis line. The person putting that ad together made it sound as if nudism is something a “a normal, educated, and kind white male” shouldn’t be dealing with.

I probably make too much of this but it’s in the words. I write books. Words and their order are important. So why would this kind white male use ‘but’ here?

Is there something wrong with nudism, with the desire to take off one’s clothes?

Apparently the kind, white male has done it before, since he adds, “the feeling of ultimate freedom when you take off that last piece of clothing.

He’s clearly done it before – or he’s copying some text from somewhere, which I don’t believe. It’s an interesting way to put this all down. The gentleman is specifically looking for a lady to go to a nudist venue, beach, resort with him, which gives me the feeling there’s something more he’d like to explore, but to each their own.

For me the entire thing would be more credible had that simple “but” been a “and“.

Not an excuse.

SunlightNudism should not be an excuse to go naked. It is among the best feelings in the world, and we all know it. No restraints, just fresh air and sunlight on your skin.

And the company of nice people. I’ve said it before: most nudists are the nicest people I’ve met. I am not counting the people who visit nude venues just to stare, that might be clear.

Be happy. Be naked.