A nudist’s mind

Do you have a nudist’s mind? Or do you just nave nudists on your mind? Or, even worse, only nudity? Perhaps the difference isn’t immediately clear.

If you have nudity on your mind you’re probably not a nudist. Then you’re probably someone who likes to look at naked people, perhaps even from the safety of your clothes.

If you have nudists on your mind you think about them, you want to be among them. Or read the previous paragraph. Maybe you just want to peek at them.

Now, if you have a nudist’s mind then there’s a distinct change that happened inside you. I don’t remember when my mind turned into it (quite long ago), but a few days ago I suddenly was aware that it had happened.

People on the beachWhat happened was that I went from seeing “people and naked people” to “people and dressed people”.

This awareness for me means that nudism, being naked and natural, has taken over my way of being, thinking and, indeed, seeing. No more need to cover up what everyone knows is there. No false shame or other forms of such bull.

nudism pureLet me be naked and among ‘my own’ kind of people. The natural ones. The real ones.

Because I think I have a nudist’s mind.

I hope you do too.