Naked Crow – a follow-up

In a previous post I mentioned that I had written a book to put naturism in a more positive light for the rest of the world. Too many people still think that it’s wrong if you want to go around in the nude, instead of being ‘decently dressed.

It’s still not completely done. Editing takes a while, as does implementing some feedback from test-readers which requires a number of changes here and there, but all in all I am very pleased with the progress I’m making with the book.

My hope is that I have wrapped everything up around February and that I can publish it as an e-book by then.

I am not certain about making it a paper copy as well, as that involves all kinds of other technical aspects, but we’ll see how things work out. I’m already looking at possibilities.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “Naked Crow – a follow-up”

    1. I’ve been writing like crazy, reading and rewriting, discussing parts with people (naturist and non-naturist), fine-tuning sentences and paragraphs.
      It’s a crazy man’s work, but so fulfilling to see it grow!

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