This is me, this morning. Trying to catch a few of the early rays of the sun.
I’ve been on my vacation address since last week Friday. The first days were awesome, with nice weather and lots of plans for places to go.
And then… lockdown. We all know the problem. Covid-19, also known as the Corona virus.
That put a stop to all the fun. Spain went in lockdown, meaning no one is allowed to go outside any more, except for food, medical attention or when you have important work that needs to be done on the spot.
Yesterday we went out for food. It was great to be outside for a while, to walk around. A queue at the supermarket wasn’t a big surprise. People had to stay a metre (3 ft) apart. No more than 6 people were allowed inside the store at any moment. We had to wear plastic gloves. Some shelves were empty already (not the stuff we needed, luckily).
This is such an odd situation. So far it still looks like I can fly home again on Friday. That’s good. Let’s hope it stays good.
Take care, naked friends and acquaintances. Don’t overhype this virus, just be smart about it.
when I saw you were going to the Canaries I feared this outcome. I am in self containement for about ten days now as the country is in complete lock down. At home I can be naked, and I am, but that is all there is. No visiting friends, just books, television and internet.
Good luck with that, Hans!
Similar here, under quarantine on doctor’s orders because of my compromised immune system.
Luckily some supermarkets still deliver, though it’s getting harder and harder to find one that does as they’re overwhelmed and I don’t think they will much longer.
I’ve stockpiles for several more weeks of food so it’s not critical yet, but it may get very boring eating canned ham with beans after the rest runs out 🙂
Everyone in the world should take their clothes off and be naked because nakedness is the only way to beat the Corona virus.
Any science to support that assertion?