The selfie situation

I guess several of the readers of this blog have some experience with this one. How do you take a decent selfie when you’re out and about?

Many times, at least in my situation, I’m out on a walk alone. Taking a good picture of a nice spot with myself in it often becomes a problem because: a) what fun is it to haul a tripod around all the time, and b) images using a selfie-stick always make it clear you’re using such a device.

So now I look at you, reader of this blog.

Clearly a selfie-stick user…

How do you make your pictures? Sometimes I see great shots that clearly aren’t done with a selfie-stick. Do you carry tripods around? Do you use other means to set up your camera/phone for a good shot?

Or do you use more advanced methods? For instance I could imagine that the use of a drone could be an option, but that would come down to a very expensive selfie stick, or isn’t that the case anymore?

I’m really curious about this and I am looking forward to your responses!

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

6 thoughts on “The selfie situation”

    1. i have used the same type of grab tripod as colin shared with you above and they do work — well, pretty much. but when i’m alone, i run the camera/phone as a video — since i can’t see the screen in the daylight to setup a timer shot, i just run it as a video and then screen capture the image when i’m able to see the screen.

  1. I often place my smartphone on a steady place (regulary using the case as support) and use the timer.

  2. I put the iPhone somewhere stable and use the Apple watch to shoot the pics. Afterwards the watch is put away in the backpack again as I feel more nude without a timepiece.

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