Good question, don’t you agree? I mean, look at them:
All tanned, nekkid and not a worry to their mind, it seems. Don’t be fooled. They have many of the same worries as you have; mortgage, bills, all the usual. One thing they don’t have after a day like this is a lot of laundry.
But, perhaps… perhaps these people look so healthy because they are. Far too many people get too little air and light on their skin, which makes for an unhealthy body. Of course, you may argue that the sun is creating a lot of problems with skin cancer and such, but perhaps there’s a subtle difference that nudists may be more aware of than textile-covered people: in general I think nudists know that they have to protect their skin, as more sensitive parts are exposed to the sun as well. But it’s not only the sun that’s good for you. Airing your skin is important. Giving it freedom from the stuff that sticks to you, gets in the way when you want to move. It’s relaxing to wear nothing. It’s also a great way to obtain some vitamin D – it’s sent to us by the sun and taken up by our skin. Clothes are the big enemy of natural vitamin D.
And trust me, it’s not just the people with slim, firm bodies that are nudists, despite what so many pictures try to tell you. Nudists are people with real bodies, with scars, stretch marks, and plenty of parts in a shape that doesn’t live up to the artificially created concept of beauty and health.
And it’s those people, who are comfortable with showing themselves they way they are, who have 100% accepted that not everyone is a supermodel, those are the people who are the most healthy of all. Not just physically, but (and this is my personal opinion as is everything on this blog) also mentally. They have shifted their inner focus from “I’m not perfect in other people’s eyes” to “I am who I am, deal with it“. This is the body type you don’t see on Tumblr and sites like that a lot, but it’s the body type that you encounter everywhere, be it covered up. It may even come close to your body type.
I am convinced that it is this what makes nudists healthy and happy. This acceptance of who they are, how they look and not giving a damn what others think of it. It’s liberating. I can only advise you to try it. Try it at home a few times as you probably need to get used to it, as you learn to shed the idea that clothes are an integral part of life. If they were, we’d be born with them.