This post started with a joke.

Let me tell you a joke.

A hot day. 2 priests are walking past a river. One priests says, “I would love to take a dip in there to cool down.” The other priest argues they have no bathing suits with them.

Priest 1 says, “That’s no problem. There’s no one around.” Number 2 is convinced, so the two throw off their clothes and jump into the river to cool down. Of course, 5 minutes later a tourist bus drives past.

The priests grab their clothes and run off. When they are safe from the viewers, priest 2 asks, “Why did you put your habit over your head instead of over your you-know-what?”

Priest 1 says, “I don’t know how they recognise you, but with me it’s my face.”

Note: that was the joke. From here things might get more serious, but no guarantee for that.

So why this joke?

Well… with nudists and naturists having to wear masks, I suddenly thought that some people who have never considered naturism, might feel ‘safe’ to give it a try. Because of the mask on their face. Because, as priest 1 said, “I don’t know how they recognise you, but with me it’s my face.

Having that ‘fence of recognition’ there could give people a sense of safety to try something they would otherwise never try.

Maybe I am entirely wrong, but the idea that arose from the memory of that joke made me think of this.

Perhaps I am the only one, because not everyone knows that joke. Which is a pity. I think it’s a good one. And it might benefit the hopefully former naturists to give our lifestyle a try.

We know it’s worth it.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

8 thoughts on “This post started with a joke.”

  1. One side effect of having to wear masks provides built in anonymity.Once masks aren’t needed maybe some first time stories will come from this unusual time’s need for masks and how they gave some courage to try naturism.

  2. I want a mask that says “Behind this mask is a nudist!”

    I find that masked people are very interesting. Just trying to imagine who is really there simply by seeing only their eyes is, to me, a real experience.

    1. I’m sure Zazzle or some other company will come up with the option of custom printed masks, Don.
      And that is an interesting observation!

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