What? What is a beauty-dogma?
In this post I want to lay out a few thoughts I suddenly had about the reason that so many people stick their clothes, even when deep inside they know better.
For instance: imagine it’s a hot summer’s day. The the only logical thing to do is take off your clothes. And folks still need to wear something, no matter how flimsy. There is this need, this weird mental obligation to cover up.
I suddenly realised it’s not only because people are afraid of being naked. It’s also because of their inbred body-shame issues. Even people who don’t look bad according to these disgusting, modern beauty-standards, suffer from this same thing. I am convinced of that. TV and ads convince everyone they never look good enough. That is the beauty-dogma for me.
And so they cover up.
The people you see at a nude beach…
Did you ever hear or read this one?
The people you see at a nude beach are not the people you want to see at a nude beach.
That is one of the problems with the beauty-dogma. Everyone who tries so hard to look so beautiful expects everyone else to look so beautiful as well. The brainwash has taken full occupancy of their mind in that respect. And so these people are against nudity because…
…not everyone at a nude beach is ‘beautiful’. (Again, according to the impossible beauty-standards of today.)
I think it’s partly because of that beauty-dogma that many people refuse to be sensible about clothes and heat. And it goes even so far that they will do what they can to embellish their outside with clothes, because vanity rules in many ways. Combine something powerful like that with body-shame and other influences like religion and peer pressure, and I think the picture is coming together quite nicely…
Stay naked.
Stay happy.
Remain yourself.
The truth lies just beneath the skin…
I think that you are quite right. When you meet clothed people you often think : he/she looks good or he/she looks not bad. When you meet other naked people you often think : I am not bad, or: he/she look good but I am not to bad either. Being naked among other naked people feels strange for the first time but after a while you don’t even notice that you are naked yourself. The fact of being seen naked doesn’t bother you anymore.
Dank je, Hans. Thank you.
A wonderful comment, and exactly to the point.
When I was younger, I was one of those “people you wanted to see” on a nude beach. That sentiment was as insulting then as it is now.
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
John Keats