We all know this view. A clothing store. Most of us have been pushed, carried or taken there
Clothes are ‘normal’. The norm. This because most people have no better idea than to do what they were told from a young age. Those early years, when the mind is most malleable (and yes, I had to look that word up) decide how people will be most of their lives.

If you had naturist parents, lucky you! Then you
Can you believe how glad I am to meet someone who has decided to give this naked life a try and who found that it’s great? Having the awareness that this is an option, despite everything the fashion industry throws at us, is fabulous. And when the person in question then says that, yes, at first it was scary but soon discovers that the naked life actually gives her confidence (yes, it is a she)… That is grand.
Confidence is a great good; one that many people lack, deep inside. I wish more people would give the naked life a try, and discover there is more beneath their clothes than what they are hiding.

We all know this. Body confidence is a great good, one that I have addressed on this blog plenty of times – but never enough. Each time when I learn of someone who discovered this ultimate freedom in nudity, my heart is happy. Happy for this person who (often) finally, after so many years, overcame the peer pressure of having to adjust to the norm. Of finally finding the courage to engage with proper liberty, the unbound feeling of no restraints on the body.
Peace and love to each of those people, young or old. Good for you. Welcome. I applaud you.