Yep. This might be a big one. Or perhaps it’s a small one.
On the way home from work I was thinking about a suitable subject for a blog post – this one – and I came up with… naturism vs. religion.

We all know naturism. The joy of it, the freedom, the relief that comes from it. And the sadness at times that not more people dare to take that step out of their clothes and into a new life (which I know it was for many people).
So how does religion enter this arena of liberty?
We know about Christianity and Islam as well as we know naturism. Some may know more about one than the other, and that’s quite alright. No one is supposed to know everything.
I know there are Christian Naturist groups online and in real life (let me write that out). There are also Christian groups that condemn the practice of naturism. They are determined to go to their heaven in full dress, all dolled up and so on. Of course. To each their own.

I also know there are Muslims, e.g. in Egypt, who are naturists. Since naturism isn’t actually ‘a thing’ in that country, these people have to practice their naturism in secret, which is a crying shame. And yes, there are bundles of Muslims who condemn being naked. They are convinced that their god has better things to do than watch naked people.
This opposed to the Christian
And there are atheists, people who don’t believe there is a god peeking over their shoulder all the time. Those are the ones who, in my opinion, should have the fewest hangups about nudity (and still there are lots who do).

That was the starting point of my idea for this blog post. How would the match of religion vs. naturism unfold? Would religious naturist people stick to their own religion while mingling with other nude folks? Or would naturism be the more common denominator (hey look, I know difficult words) and would, therefore, naturism take the boundaries of religion away? What do you think? Do you have an opinion about this? If you are religious and a naturist, how do you feel about this?
There are similarities between religions and naturism. The problem in my opinion is that someone believes his view is the “correct” or “right” one dictated by some unseen power, etc. I think a person should be able to believe whatever makes him content with his spiritual self. I do not think that person should impose his views on anyone else or onto the local government agencies or schools. Avid nudists sometimes get in others space and try to impose themselves onto those folks. I don’t think you have to be nude everywhere but instead I think there should be legal beaches, parks and public areas where you can be nude and everyone would know where those areas are and respect them. Self contentment is the issue and as long as we rage internally about others beliefs or way of life our own stress will surely defeat any attempt at happiness. Chill out and accept other religions and ways of living and the world will be a better peaceful place for us all.