The heat is on. The clothes are off.

My initial idea for the title of this post was “the drinking naturist”, after the podcast “The Thinking Atheist” that I follow, but that might give people the wrong idea (e.g. alcohol and things) so I changed that.

Here in Europe, temperatures are rising this week. Locally we may see 36 C, which is 97 F. Not the stuff we usually encounter during the year, although it’s getting hotter and hotter each year.

Yes, summer is here and it’s a hottie.

This, of course, is a great thing for naturists, nudists and other clothes-free-oriented humans. I can understand that – I’m writing this post clothes-free too, which is the best state to be in for a human body. Clothes not needed? Leave them off. (When will the world understand that?)

Because of that hot weather, I would like to remind everyone that it’s important to stay hydrated. And that means to drink in advance. Once you start feeling thirsty, you’re generally too late. So drink up while you don’t feel like it. Feeling bad just before you drink is not the smart thing to do, even when you’re nude.

I think it’s also smart to stay out of direct sunlight on the hot parts of the day. Now everyone has their own heat tolerance, but please be smart about it. Just because it’s hot and sunny, that doesn’t mean you have to be out in the sun as long as you can. You will survive with the vitamin D you collect in the ‘off hours’. Sun-stroke and skin cancer are real. Please remember that.

Sunlovers having fun at the beach

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

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