This post up here, it’s from 2017, made me think about the witch hunt on nudity by the various social media once more. Although… social? Apparently social nudity is not their kind of social.
Why do people still get so worked up about this? Of course, we all know these platforms (Facebook, Google+ and lately Tumblr as well) are wrong in banning anything nude but they are calling their shots.
Faceborg bans artists who post anything resembling nudity yet they have no problem with beheading videos. Tumblr had to be sold to a place that didn’t want naked bits and pieces.
It’s a pathetic sign of the times, and I am convinced that everyone in the naked-life circuit is aware of all that.
I think it’s smarter to focus on the places where nudity is no problem, like, Twitter and MeWe.
I’ve also located Ghost (link opens new tab) which might suit your needs.
This page mentions a few more options that might be interesting to you. Have a go, have a look and do report back what you found out!
I have dumped Tumblr and switched to, where there is a large and active (and very friendly) international Nudist community. is certainly a trustworthy place to be. Well chosen.