Yes, this is an old video, it’s from 2010. Still it’s a great interview so I want to share it with you all. Take your time, it’s almost half an hour long but I think it’s worth it.
Paul Nocera, of Males Au Naturel, and Sandy Aldrich, of Clothing-Optional Dinners, talk with Sam Sloan about nudism, naturism, and the law.
omg it’s from 2006!!
nudism as a political movement.. hmm.. and the number has to be a lot higher than 1MN globally, though i guess not everyone is a “registered nudist” (there’s a registry?)
” if you just put it into google, it will come to the link of the yahoo group” lol pretty sure that yahoo groups thing is gone now but, how would you feel if you were someone from yahoo and someone suggested a different search engine to find stuff u host… LOL 😀
“how i am dressed or not dressed does not give anyone the right to touch me, unless i say so” Exactly, and it confuses me a lot why people who are clothed seem to think that being unclothed is immediately an invitation, yet only a small (evil) part of clothed society goes around groping clothed people, and they’re rightfully seen as what they are, violating someone elses rights..
“it’s just that people coming into the clothing-optional space know the limits better, about what kind of interactions are appropriate or inappropriate” – so true
Very interesting discussion but the man sort of contradicted himself a little bit. When he spoke about being undressed in his apartment with his roommate, that he (rather than the roommate) found it confronting, he went on to speak about clothing optional sections of parks where he would be in a similar situation sort of. Maybe it is just the difference in locale?
I have found the interviewer to be a little too focused on sex, and bringing sex into the debate sort of ignores the point of Nudism/naturism but i spose he is asking questions that normies might want the answers to, so maybe it is being done purposefully? hmm.. and Sandy says (about the beaches) that when the nudist societies took over, they wanted to divorce themselves from the connections to sex that the beaches had, to gain legitimacy- exactly.. a nude beach is not a sex club, so Mr Sloan, i hope by now you’ve done some learnin’ !!! (though by his closing anecdote, maybe not oO)
yup, it comes down to freedom… that’s all we want <3 the freedom of personal autonomy, and to also respect the freedom of others : )