Sunday Noon Nudist A calm moment around the house Author: Paul Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle. View all posts by Paul
He’s frying bacon or something without an apron. I know from experience that’s dangerous. That’s a big cup she’s holding. Reply
haha i literally clicked on this one to say the same thing argh! i have my own experience cooking chicken breast in olive oil with the temp a little too high; done once, never again!! Reply
He’s frying bacon or something without an apron. I know from experience that’s dangerous. That’s a big cup she’s holding.
Do I detect some cup-envy, Don? 😉
Yes, it is a nice cup. By the way, I just got Mirror Earth and look forward to reading it.
haha i literally clicked on this one to say the same thing argh! i have my own experience cooking chicken breast in olive oil with the temp a little too high; done once, never again!!
Yep. You learn fast from such experiences. LOL!
i still have a tiny little scar from it…permanent reminder!
This is how we live and learn.
Unless the learning moment kills us. (Glad that didn’t happen!)