Hello there. I’m really curious about something so I’m putting the right to express yourself in your hands. It’s okay if you’re not naked when you vote, sometimes the weather or the circumstances just don’t play along.
[yop_poll id=”4″ tr_id=”ZM_BK_genre”]
It’s interesting, even important for me to know this, because then I can decide which style of book I should continue to write.
Thank you for voting!
It helps me!
Sorry we couldn’t vote because we were not aware of nor have we read these books. You have however raised our interest.
Unfortunately i haven’t read any of them yet. Looking forward to find the time and read them :)!!!
Reblogged at http://naturistsholiday.wordpress.com/2014/11/21/lets-help-paul-choose-his-next-book/
Keep reading.!