I had a great vacation. Amazing. I was at a brand new naturist hotel called Granhotel Natura, located in the north of Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands.
I was there from Oct 3rd to Oct. 13th, and it was gorgeous. The hotel wasn’t entirely finished yet (they opened Oct 1st), but the staff slaved to get things in place and did their utmost to make everyone feel happy and relaxed. And they did it.
From day 1 it was marvellous to be there, with no need to get dressed. Just step outside into the sunshine, find a place at the pool or take a stroll to the beach for a long walk, a swim in the sea, or just plant yourself into the sand and relax.

Did you know that Spain has very relaxed nudity laws? Every beach is clothing optional. Even in Barcelona you can walk around naked if you want to! That’s why there was no need to put on anything, walking from the hotel to the actual beach (it’s a stretch of about 400 metres / 1200 ft). You pass over sand and lava rock, so something on your feet is smart for that bit. Talk about fantastic. And the weather was great all the time too: lowest I encountered was 25c/77F. I really needed that, hence Escape to the sun.
More about my vacation soon, about the environment and some of the things I experienced.