When on a nude hike

When on a nude hike and you run into textiles, stay calm, nude and friendly. After all, a nudist has nothing to hide, and usually clothed people are scared more of what they see than the nudist hikers. It gives us the edge.

Oh, and if you know good places to hike in the nude, wherever in the world, would you mind sharing? The more places we know, the easier it is for us all!

(Image courtesy of Tumblr)

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

6 thoughts on “When on a nude hike”

  1. This is the website for a group of independent nudists going bush for a week with simply nothing on. There is plenty of opportunity for tramping/hiking along relatively easy walking tracks. If you’re like me, you can also explore other parts as there are a number of streams that have little flow during summer. Some pictures can be found here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/111796106393855242568/albums/5843268808598176129
    Note that some pictures are from other parts of New Zealand. Anyone planning to come to NZ and would like to stay some time at Ngatuhoa is welcome. Just let us know (see website)

  2. You have to stay out of the exclusion zone around lake burrogorang but to the south, and to the west and to the north of where i live there is so…much… space! hike away from the trails and make your own way (amateur bushwalkers might not want to..) there are hills and mountains, plateaus and rivers, caves and valleys… if u do not know what you are doing it is easy to get lost but.. i spend at least one full day out there a week, making use of our sunblock subscription lol


    1. Sunblock subscription? That sounds amazing. Never heard of that.
      But I’m glad you have so much space to walk au naturel.

      >if u do not know what you are doing it is easy to get lost

      If ever I make it over there, I will recruit a guide. HAHAHAHA!

      1. Yeah! we go through quite a bit and the one we like is an ethically made one so is is not super oily and it is as natural as it can be but they sell in small bottles so we have a subscription! took some time to work out how much we go through on average and then yeah, per month!

        > I will recruit a guide

        Happy to help! on a more serious note a lot of less-than-experienced hikers have gotten lost, died or drowned where i live. It is not the most dangerous place on earth but, we can tell by the sound of the helicopters whether it is police, or the wespac rescue helicopter (happens fairly often, usually tourists)

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